GN Hunter

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Moderator for 1 crag, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Great Stack of Handa

Photo Gallery

1st ascent of Trespass Buttress,Creag Meagaidh

1st ascent of Trespass Buttress,Creag Meagaidh
© GN Hunter

Doug Lang, Gerry Peet & Neil Quinn

Doug Lang, Gerry Peet & Neil Quinn
© GN Hunter

After 1st ascent of "The Gowk"

After 1st ascent of "The Gowk"
© GN Hunter

Happy Moment on Creag Meagaidh plateau - 1973

Happy Moment on Creag Meagaidh plateau - 1973
© Graeme Hunter

Dougie Lang at the Dubh Loch Doss 1969

Dougie Lang at the Dubh Loch Doss 1969
© Graeme Hunter


© GN Hunter

Vintage bouldering in Glen Clova

Vintage bouldering in Glen Clova
© GN Hunter

1st Ascent of "The Wand", Creag Meagaidh -16th Feb 1969

1st Ascent of "The Wand", Creag Meagaidh -16th Feb 1969
© GN Hunter

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