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Keen middle-grade, middle-aged summer and winter climber. Still trying to improve. Also likes to hillwalk & visit new summits. Occaisional visits to alps & bigger hills over the years.

North Northumberland

Best Climbing Experience
Any good climb shared with a friend. They're all the best.

Favourite Climbing-Related Discussion Topic
Winter climbs, conditions and routes.

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Interests Outside Climbing
Sport (cricket, rugby, football), Coen Bros films, old climbing books, the family.

About My Photography
Of the point & shoot variety

Photo Gallery

Autumn colours and Woodburn Wall, below the crux.

Autumn colours and Woodburn Wall, below the crux.
© carl h

Second and better go at getting over the crux on the Old Man of Hoy

Second and better go at getting over the crux on the Old Man of Hoy
© K Tighe

Autumn in the county, John leading the very nice Green Slab

Autumn in the county, John leading the very nice Green Slab
© carl h

Going up the arete on the domes des miages

Going up the arete on the domes des miages
© A Diver

At the end of the day on Raasay.

At the end of the day on Raasay.
© MTighe

Pico Sur Illimani from Nido de Condores

Pico Sur Illimani from Nido de Condores
© michaelb1

Pequeno Alpamayo and Tarija

Pequeno Alpamayo and Tarija
© michaelb1

Just after the rockover on the excellent Green Wall

Just after the rockover on the excellent Green Wall
© carl h

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I've voted for 196 photos, average vote 4.3.
(37% superb - 57% good - 3% average - 1% poor - 0% rubbish)

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