paul mitchell

Email User

The hard climbs listed were done years ago.I love to mark routes with chalk.As a partly disabled person these days, it really helps. People keep quiet about the hundreds of chipped holds on overbolted Derbyshire sport climbs,but a little chalk and they get rather rabid.Curious tendency,I reckon.Same with the occasional piton.Pegs are a part of trad.
Massive overreaction,self righteousness and hypocrisy.I generally don't post much anymore on UKC. Far too much negativity and herd mentality.We are individuals,thus we should act as individuals.Trying to enforce your opinions requires my obedience.Dream on.Sometimes I alternate between collective and individualist viewpoints and commitments. ...collectivism and individualism from the perspective of the 20th century economist and philosopher Ludwig von Mises.
Though I rarely post these days,I still occasionally receive unpleasant messages from anonymous trolls.Time for these lost souls to get a life. If you haven't the moral courage to communicate using your own name, don't expect me to take you seriously.

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Anything Else We Should Know
Positive comments gratefully received.Negative and unwarranted comments often will be mercilessly deconstructed.

Observe what is happening in YOUR mind at this very moment.That is the path to wisdom.Try to be more helpful and less critical.

If you want to know who I am,then arrange to meet.Rumour and hearsay are usually well wide of the mark.
If you have an ill friend or family member,go and visit them.

Now in my 6th decade and I find myself really struggling to do pull ups.Weak as a kitten compared to when I was putting up hard new routes easily.

Will work on the pull ups but all that lives is born to die,and getting weaker is part of that.

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