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Best Climbing Experience
A Dream of White Horse's. Climbed it three times over the years and just love the atmosphere and exposure.

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Photo Gallery

DJ setting up his stance after completing the second pitch

DJ setting up his stance after completing the second pitch
© Daymo

DJ leading the second pitch of 'A dream of White Horses'.

DJ leading the second pitch of 'A dream of White Horses'.
© Daymo

Matt coming up 'Heavy the Beat of Weary Waves'

Matt coming up 'Heavy the Beat of Weary Waves'
© Daymo

Daymo leading a classic VS with Len belaying

Daymo leading a classic VS with Len belaying
© Daymo

DJ just about to set of seconding pitch 3 'A Dream of White Horses'.

DJ just about to set of seconding pitch 3 'A Dream of White Horses'.
© Daymo

Tom leading with Dog Belaying

Tom leading with Dog Belaying
© Daymo

Deejmonkey on the the second pitch

Deejmonkey on the the second pitch
© Daymo

The second pitch taking the right hand crack finish of zig-zag climb

The second pitch taking the right hand crack finish of zig-zag climb
© Daymo

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I've voted for 73 photos, average vote 4.4.
(63% superb - 17% good - 15% average - 2% poor - 1% rubbish)

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