Natalie Wilson

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I am a self employed summer and winter mountain leader, expedition leader, coach and writer.

I love introducing people to new skills and places outdoors as well as sharing my enthusiasm and knowledge for travel and trekking.


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Articles by Natalie Wilson

Interests Outside Climbing
Climbing, mountaineering, cycling, wild camping.

Photo Gallery

A burst of light on the way up to Fairfield

A burst of light on the way up to Fairfield
© Natalie Wilson

The summit climb

The summit climb
© Natalie Wilson

Dubs Hut

Dubs Hut
© Natalie Wilson

Islands & mountains, Skye

Islands & mountains, Skye
© Natalie Wilson

Sunburst over Stickle Tarn and Pavey Ark

Sunburst over Stickle Tarn and Pavey Ark
© Natalie Wilson

View towards Mont Blanc range from Rosablanche, Valais West

View towards Mont Blanc range from Rosablanche, Valais West
© Natalie Wilson

View of the Portjengrat ridge, Valais East

View of the Portjengrat ridge, Valais East
© Natalie Wilson

View from Rosablanche, Valais West

View from Rosablanche, Valais West
© Natalie Wilson

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