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A study in gray

A study in gray
© rtinma

Hepburn Moor with snowy Cheviot hills in the distance

Hepburn Moor with snowy Cheviot hills in the distance
© rtinma

The lonely boulderer seeking deliverance

The lonely boulderer seeking deliverance
© rtinma

Tom Martin on The Staffordshire Flyer

Tom Martin on The Staffordshire Flyer
© Rupert Martin, 2010


© rtinma

Neil Kershaw on Barriers in Time E6 6b, Roaches Lower Tier, Staffs

Neil Kershaw on Barriers in Time E6 6b, Roaches Lower Tier, Staffs
© Rupert Martin, 2010

Glencoe with Alpenglow

Glencoe with Alpenglow
© rtinma

Eas Mor Waterfall below the Cuillin Ridge

Eas Mor Waterfall below the Cuillin Ridge
© rtinma

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