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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 1 crag, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Dimbergpfeiler (Wehrfelsen)

Interests Outside Climbing
mountain biking

Photo Gallery

best iceclimb ever

best iceclimb ever
© alpinist63

Ben Lepesant / Pyromania

Ben Lepesant / Pyromania
© alpinist63

nice evening in the Needles CA

nice evening in the Needles CA
© alpinist63

Rurp Pitch on Tribal Rite (A3) / El Capitan

Rurp Pitch on Tribal Rite (A3) / El Capitan
© alpinist63

a perfect day on the cassin

a perfect day on the cassin
© alpinist63

holidays on the wall

holidays on the wall
© alpinist63

Leaning Tower, Yosemite

Leaning Tower, Yosemite
© alpinist63

old Messner classic

old Messner classic
© alpinist63

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I've voted for 358 photos, average vote 4.4.
(49% superb - 38% good - 11% average - 0% poor - 0% rubbish)

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