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One hundred years later, Lofoten.

One hundred years later, Lofoten.
© Tuftynick

Kinder downfall

Kinder downfall
© Tuftynick

Billy no mates, hanging out with The Old Man.

Billy no mates, hanging out with The Old Man.
© Tuftynick

Deygo pitch 2

Deygo pitch 2
© R Lindsay

Fantasia - High Tor

Fantasia - High Tor
© Tuftynick

Masters Edge.

Masters Edge.
© Tuftynick

Deygo/ Pagan pitch 1

Deygo/ Pagan pitch 1
© R Lindsay

Lost Time. Concrete Chimney, T Rex and Metal Guru combo.

Lost Time. Concrete Chimney, T Rex and Metal Guru combo.
© Tuftynick

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(58% superb - 25% good - 9% average - 1% poor - 4% rubbish)

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