Mid foot cycling and shoe catching front wheel

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 im off 21 Apr 2024

I recently had a go a this mid foot cycling thing. Putting cleats mid foot. Used the adapter plate you can get.

My reason personally is because I've not long had ankle fusion so thought it would be less lever arm forces through the ankle which it does quite well.

However, when going slow and a bit weavy like up steep hills, out of junctions etc, my foot quite often catches front wheel which feels bloody lethal. 😬.

Anyway....think I'll shift them back.

Anyone else mid foot cycling?

 top cat 21 Apr 2024
In reply to im off:

I sometimes mid foot, but on flatties, usually with walking boots.

I don't have any issues connecting with the front wheel.

It is likely to be an issue with type of bike and geometry.  I ride a fat bike off road.........

 chiroshi 23 Apr 2024
In reply to im off:

You could try shorter cranks at the same time. That will also have the effect of reducing the amount of flexion in your ankle and have the benefit of reducing toe overlap. 

I have toe overlap on my road bike and touring bike when it has the mudguards fitted. It can feel dangerous, but I got used to it and now I'm just careful. As you say it only really touched when you're stationary so as long as you are careful it's not too big of a deal for me. 

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