Turn-by-turn cycle navigation android app

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 jockster 20 Aug 2022


Looking for a recommendation for a turn-by-turn cycle navigation app. Requirements : 1. free/reasonably low cost, 2. Be able to use gpx files, 3. Not bothered about training sats etc 4. Strava integration would be a bonus but not critical

Many thanks, Simon

 Marek 20 Aug 2022
In reply to jockster:

I use LocusMaps just for that. You get good turn-by-turn navigation instruction in the GPX file by using their router - either online (LocusMaps Web, my preferred way) or the built-in router. The basic version is free, but I pay 1 euro per month for the 'Silver' version which (amoungst other things) switches the screen on and off at the appropriate points (junctions). It is very configurable in terms of map rendering (I use free maps from Andromaps plus my own custom rendering XML) and what's on the display/dashboard. Does everything I need (and more), which neither Komoot nor OSMAnd did anything like as well.

OP jockster 20 Aug 2022
In reply to jockster:

Many thanks, much appreciated cheers, Simon

 antdav 22 Aug 2022

Bikegpx is free and decent, can use gpx as well as routes made on major apps (strava/ridewithgps etc). My only complain is the route line could do with being a little fatter for easier reading when riding at speed.

 Marek 22 Aug 2022
In reply to antdav:

I dont think bikegpx does turn-by-turn navigation (as requested by OP). It's also the biggest source of incompatibility between route generators and nav apps.

 girlymonkey 22 Aug 2022
In reply to jockster:

I did some work recently for a company who use an app called "ride with GPS". Does turn by turn navigation. Seems ok.

 mutt 22 Aug 2022
In reply to jockster:

I use rungo. meets your spec and its free.

 Marek 22 Aug 2022
In reply to girlymonkey:

RwGPS is certainly good (Gold Standard?), but not free or even cheap (by my standard!) for nav features ($8 per month). I keep meaning to check if you can use RwGPS for route generation and LocusMaps (on phone) for nav, but haven't got round to it.

 Ian Carey 22 Aug 2022
In reply to jockster:

Have a look at OSMand.

It is about £10 a year.

It is based on open source mapping, which I find adequate, but not as good as OS maps, especially when in more open terrain.

However, it is a relatively small file size to download all of the UK. Therefore it loads quickly and is available without a 4G signal.

It also covers Europe.

It is a bit clunky to use, but it will accept a gpx file and provide 'turn by turn' instruction.

There is a useful community of users: 



 Marek 22 Aug 2022
In reply to Ian Carey:

OSMand used to be my app of choice, but I stopped using it when they couldn't figure out how to turn the screen on and off at the appropriate points (before and after junctions). Claimed "it couldn't be done in the latest Android" even when I pointed out that other apps managed it fine. Perhaps they've fixed it at last? I also never found a Web-based routing engine (I prefer to create routes on a big screen) that generated sensible turn-by-turn instructions for OSMand - i.e., not at every bend in the road. Have they done anything about that yet?

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