Avon Main Wall belay stakes crowdfund

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 Cheese Monkey 05 Jun 2024

Good afternoon all, please consider donating if you want to see belay stakes in at Main Wall in place of the dilapidated fence or any of the fixed gear changed. It all costs a lot of money, so the more we raise the more we can do!

 Simon CD 11 Jun 2024
In reply to Cheese Monkey:

Can you tell us any more?  eg how much are the BMC contributing?  

OP Cheese Monkey 11 Jun 2024
In reply to Simon CD:

What do you want to know? The BMC have committed to purchase the stakes, we hope to use 316L stainless bar, so this will be in the region of £800-£1k for the amount we need. If we do it properly with decent materials we won't have to do it again for a very long time. We also need postcrete in some areas. Generator hire and drill hire for 2-3 days, drill bits, fuel, post caps, paint, etc etc.

As stated on the page, any surplus raised will be directly spent for regearing on Bristol crags, so the more we raise now the more we can do.

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