Birchen - Monument Chimney Crack - Loose block

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A large wobbly block on the ledge at the top of this route has been reported to the landowner Eastern Moor Partnership.

Looking on the logbook there are comments regarding the block by ascensionists as far back as 2015. 

I'll be taking a look at this tomorrow to assess the hazard and if/how best to address. I'll put some sort of insitu warning in place and would also request that climbers avoid the route itself for now, and avoid using the block if climbing adjacent routes (Topsail, Marie's Gone to Canada, Spinnaker, and Monument Chimney). 

In reply to Access BMC (England):

I've checked the block. It is too large for a person to pull off the edge alone, but could quite easily be pushed off by a couple of trundlers, which would cause a big mess. It could also be dangerous if used to create a top-rope by the inexperienced.

I have suggested to EMP that the best action is to push it back from the edge slightly where it will sit stably in a hollow between a slope and other blocks.

In the meantime I have left the block wrapped in hazard tape to warn people against using it whilst still allowing all routes to be safely climbed. 

 McHeath 05 Jun 2024
In reply to Access BMC (England):

Many thanks to you and all your volunteer colleagues for just carrying on and taking care of us in this catastrophic BMC situation.

 TobyA 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Access BMC (England):

Whilst on the subject of Birchen, I could add that last Friday there was a nest full of some noisy chicks in Sail Chimney (S 4a) just left of these route. I backed off as soon as it became apparent.

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