Advice for trip to Corsica

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 roddy788 11 Jun 2024

Hi there, has anyone been climbing in Corsica and has recommendations for crags/campsites/areas? 

My husband and I are going in October.

We will be there for 2 1/2 weeks, driving and camping. We climb in the 6s, current max is 7a.

 Tom Valentine 11 Jun 2024
In reply to roddy788:

Bouldering at  Punta Di Capineru is in a hard to beat location

 Rich Lindsay 11 Jun 2024
In reply to roddy788:

Corsica is a beautiful island and an excellent choice for a climbing road trip. Taking the night ferry from Toulon to Ajaccio effectively means it’s no further to drive to than the south of France and you wake up in the heart of the island. Amazing granite climbing in Bavella and the Restonica (camping Tuani) amongst others, great coastline, swimming holes, canyoning etc. 

The problem is that many of the campsites shut at the end of September so the choice of places to stay becomes more limited the later you want to stay. Wild camping is not really tolerated so that’s not really an option. September is the sweet spot if you can make that work, once the summer crowds have left and before the island starts to shut down for the season

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