Anyone got free topos for Seynes?

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 latestarter 01 Jun 2024

Going to France in June for cycling, some of it near Alès, but possibly a day at Seynes for climbing. Not worth buying the Rockfax guide for Languedoc-Rousillon for one day, and we only climb easy routes. Anybody got topos for the easier sectors - and are they needed, as most routes in France are normally labelled with grade and name?

 Pedro50 01 Jun 2024
In reply to latestarter:

I've got a slim French guide, 1989 which you're welcome to borrow. Pm me your address if of use. Peter 

 Alex Riley 01 Jun 2024
In reply to latestarter:

Haven't been for a while but of I remember right there are names and grades for each route. 

OP latestarter 01 Jun 2024
In reply to Pedro50:

Many thanks for the offer, and it probably hasn't changed in 35 years (!), but I'll pass on that.

It seems that the other response to my post suggests that names and grades are on the routes. 

OP latestarter 01 Jun 2024
In reply to Alex Riley:

Many thanks for the reply and info. That will probably suffice, especially as the weather forecast for the time we'll be there suggests it will be too hot to climb anyway, but good for cycling.

 dan gibson 03 Jun 2024
In reply to latestarter:

Seynes is a real sun trap. I was there in late November one year and it was too hot at 10c.

I imagine June would be unbearable. We also found the 5c's proper sandbags....

OP latestarter 04 Jun 2024
In reply to dan gibson:

Thanks Dan,

From what I've read about it elsewhere, it is indeed likely to be intolerable in June. We hope to be enjoying cycling in a sunny 30C+, but it seemed a shame to have a superb crag and not be able to climb on it.  C'est la vie....

 Ian Broome 04 Jun 2024
In reply to latestarter:

Its a super lovely crag, but it due south as I remember, so not a lot of shade, maybe worth having another back up crag in mind if you are going mid June. 

 Ian Broome 04 Jun 2024
In reply to Ian Broome:

sorry, someone else mentioned this, and I haven't read the whole thread

 French Erick 05 Jun 2024
In reply to latestarter:

which Seynes? Many a one, many near crags. I may come across pedantic but it is almost always Seynes-xxx-xxxx

 Enty 07 Jun 2024
In reply to French Erick:



 French Erick 08 Jun 2024
In reply to Enty:

So Seynes 30580 Gard, is it?

 Casper768 08 Jun 2024
In reply to latestarter:

I was there a couple of weeks ago. There is only the occasional route name on the rock, and fewer grades, 1 or 2 per crag, usually on a little plate. The UKC/Rockfax parking info is not correct, nor is any of the approach info. Routes tend to be under graded. Great place, there is a new local guidebook which is excellent. Buy it, pays for the bolting. There is good shade on some of the crags at the bottom, but it is hot on the crag now.

Post edited at 20:28

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