Bouldering Walls San Jose California

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 Simon Pelly 06 Nov 2022

Hi Folks,

A work trip requires that I'll be staying in San Jose (CA) over a weekend.

Planning on squeezing some climbing shoes into the hand carry. 

Seen a number of bouldering walls in the area. Wondering if there are any personal recommendations or insights. 



 seankenny 06 Nov 2022
In reply to Simon Pelly:

Do you follow the US climbing photographer Jim Thornburg on any social media? Aside from making some amazing images, he’s also written guides to climbing and bouldering in the Bay Area. Looks like there are some areas close to San Jose:

No idea how good these crags are but since you’re there…

In reply to Simon Pelly:

Been to the ones in Fremont, Concord and Berkeley but never San Jose. Everyone says the big SJ one is the best but it's a bit far from where I'm usually staying so haven't tried it.

Of the ones I can report on, peak of Fremont and the ironworks are both good.

OP Simon Pelly 06 Nov 2022
In reply to Simon Pelly:

Thanks for the info!!

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