Cathedral Quarry Warning

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Stephen Reid, FRCC Guides Editor 19 Oct 2004
Cathedral Quarry

WARNING! A large "fridge-sized" block has fallen out of David Birkett's 2001 F8b line I Got Horribly Sober (this is the bolted line just right of Burley Dudes). It looks as though another block may follow it. For the time being the National Trust are not closing the quarry, but they are advising group users and climbers to avoid this area which includes the Tunnel, and the Long Abseil. More information is available from Jim Loxham at the National Trust's Coniston Office (015394 41880).
 Fiend 19 Oct 2004
In reply to Stephen Reid, FRCC Guides Editor:

Balls, I was hoping for a flash of that in the next dry period =).

Glad to see the NT aren't closing it.
 Chris the Tall 19 Oct 2004
In reply to Stephen Reid, FRCC Guides Editor:
Are the goldfish all right ?
 Fiend 19 Oct 2004
In reply to Chris the Tall:

They should be, IGHD is right over the other side.

But glad someone is thinking of the goldfish. I fee quite callous now...
 John H Bull 19 Oct 2004
In reply to Fiend:
Get on it dude - presumably there's now a fridge-sized rest!
 Andrew Emery 20 Oct 2004
In reply to Stephen Reid, FRCC Guides Editor: what Is the goldfish?
 Clare 20 Oct 2004
In reply to Andrew Emery:

they're fish that are of a golden sort of colour. Next!
 Andrew Emery 21 Oct 2004
In reply to Clare: does it live in the pool there?
 GrahamD 21 Oct 2004
In reply to Stephen Reid, FRCC Guides Editor:

Flippant, I know, but does 'I Got Horribly Sober' get much group use, then ?
 Fiend 21 Oct 2004
In reply to GrahamD:

It gets a fair bit of abseil use, or at least that area does =(.
Bruce Allmighty 21 Oct 2004
In reply to GrahamD: good point. i can imagine an outward bound group or the like in trainers doing well east. why?
yoda 22 Oct 2004
In reply to Stephen Reid, FRCC Guides Editor: has it closed the pond entrance side to the tunnel?Presumably you can still get into the tunnel from the far side relatively safely?Glad NT haven't closed it.This is a great site to take kids groups when weather is wet.
Mark Wood 24 Oct 2004
In reply to Chris the Tall:

Saw them today & they're fine!!

Forgot to take some food though. Bugger!
 Chris the Tall 28 Oct 2004
In reply to Mark Wood:
PLeased to hear it, thanks for the update.
Stephen Reid, FRCC Guides Editor 22 Nov 2004
Cathedral is open again now:

From Jim Loxham: I am pleased to announce that C.A.N. Geo-Technical have completed their work at Cathedral Quarry today (Friday 19th Nov; and that as a result normal service can be resumed. The main wall containing the long abseil, and the other suspect block, which was the focus of their work has been checked and found to be sound.

They have also checked other areas and reported a reasonably clean bill of health i.e. no material has had to be pulled off. The area to the right of the main wall abseil area do contain potentially unstable material, but their view is that if once started it could be a never ending process (this view was held on the original survey).

The current cautionary signage will be taken down on Monday 22nd Nov.

Jim Loxham
National Trust Property Manager

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