Corfu Deep Water Solo (DWS)

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Cave Liniodoros Nest

Plenty of potential at this location, here are a few of the routes me and my friends climbed while on holiday. The wall offers good holds above deep water, it seems safe in terms of landing ~3m+ water depth at the bottom and around 15m elevation at the very top. Let me know how my grading is .


Access via boat only im afraid (unless you mind very wet shoes). The wall towards the left of the headland, obvious routes.


  1. Big dimples (S0 6a/+)  - Use the obvious line up the pitted rockface, nothing too technical just a bit pumpy towards the end. (FA F.Poultney June 2024)
  2. Crack open a nice rest  (S0 5c) - A nice line that utilises the crack to the left. Eliminate would be harder. (FA F.Poultney June 2024)
  3. Bugs and jugs (S0 5b) - Take the line from the small cove up obvious jugs. Fairly sustained for the first half, after the overhang it provides good holds that ease the climber. (FA A.Finch June 2024)

 CantClimbTom 10 Jun 2024
In reply to Finlay_poultney:

Wow you're making me feel jealous, it's a lovely area, the rock is very pockety round there. The whole coastline around Paleokastritsa is beautiful. A couple of years ago I scuba dived through to up inside the Hole of Ha (sea cave) beautiful, a few hundred metres up the coast from your climbs. Was hoping to be there this summer but it isn't going to happen . Next time I'm there I'll keep an eye out for these routes, thank you!

Post edited at 20:24

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