Craig Bryn Dulas

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 Ben Farley 04 Jun 2024

Has anyone got any recent experience of Craig Bryn Dulas?

Some comments in the logbooks suggest this crag has been rebolted. Is this the case? Is it all the routes? Is the crag any good? There are a fair few starred routes, are they worth the stars?

 Tyler 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Ben Farley:

It has been rebolted and I went last week. The 7b+ up the middle does actually look good and on solid rock but we did some lower graded routes which ranged from bad to enjoyable! I’d definitely avoid Dai Lumphammer. Pineapple Patrol was the pick of the bunch (worth a star or two) and the 7a which shares the same finish was ok but very bouldery and probably about to get more so. On the plus side it’s a lovely aspect. 

Post edited at 10:40
OP Ben Farley 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Tyler:

Thanks. We visited yesterday. Did a couple of warm ups, dislodged some blocks and left to climb at Llanddulas. Not impressed really.

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