Heraklion Climbing - Crete

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 Timb2416 26 May 2024

Heraklion Crete. Any climbing/dws/ scrambling round the coast? 

I'm heading out for 5 days next week for a family holiday. Obviously rock shoes are going in the suitcase. 

Does anyone know of any good climbing or bouldering bits that I might be able to bag an hour or two at early doors before it gets hot? We are staying Gouves. So close to there.



 apache 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Timb2416:

Hi, there are several places around Heraklion  Heck out the

 John Cuthbert 08 Jun 2024
In reply to Timb2416:

Voulismeni is very good,  though  bit polished in places. Shade in the cave/steep side, and sun on the other for most of the day. 2 min access...

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