Sold: (Old) Thermarest Prolite 3 sleeping mat medium/regular

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 SteakAndAle (user since 27/May/23) 29 Apr 2024
The seller has now marked this as sold
Price: £15.00

Thermarest Prolite 3 self inflating sleeping mat

This thing is old! I've had it since the 2000s. It did a lot of trips but I just don't really camp any more - last time it saw use was 2019. Can't bear to put it in the bin though.

It's in really good nick cosmetically. I don't remember any issues the last time I used it, but I can't promise you it's leak-free: I don't own a bathtub to check! Can be patched if there is an issue.

It's the medium size so about 176-180cm long by ~55cm wide. Packs down to ~15x30cm.

Asking for £15 + P&P (or collection in London)


 archibaldie 29 Apr 2024
In reply to SteakAndAle:

Happy to collect, will pop you an email 

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