Wanted: Austria Guidebook

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 lydiakind (user since 16/Mar/23) 03 Jun 2024

Just looking to buy a guidebook for Austria/Innsbruck area & just wondering if anyone has one going, preferably sport climbing. Also open to advice on finding one or climbing trips to the region. 

Post edited at 15:59
 nniff 04 Jun 2024
In reply to lydiakind:

You could do worse than starting here...

 Kimberley 04 Jun 2024
In reply to lydiakind:

There's a really excellent bookshop in the centre of Innsbruck that has a great range of guide books

Tyrolia Book- Paper Maria-Theresien-Straße 15

There are branches elsewhere too

 David Myatt 09 Jun 2024
In reply to lydiakind:


Yes. Will email you with details.

cheers, David

 Toerag 11 Jun 2024
In reply to lydiakind:

If you're going via Munich, then the Globetrotter shop there will have loads. They have a website, but don't sell outside Germany.

Post edited at 13:43

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