Wanted: Chalk bag and climbing shoes

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 Williecleuch (user since 28/May/06) 04 Jun 2024

Wanted - not for me - I'm too old to progress but for my son who is progressing and skint - chalk bag and climbing shoes about size UK44.  Must be cheap or preferably free. Thanks

 leon 1 04 Jun 2024
In reply to Williecleuch: I have a rather beautiful psychedelic chalkbag bought in chamonix circa late 80s that's almost as new that I'd be delighted to pass on to him Mail me your address if he wants it.

Post edited at 17:02

 Scrambled32 04 Jun 2024
In reply to Williecleuch:

I've got a pair of La Sportiva Tarantulas in size 44 (only had light use) that I'm going to be selling. Would take £20 including postage. 

OP Williecleuch 05 Jun 2024
In reply to Scrambled32:

Thanks for your reply. Can you email me so we can sort out some details.

 Scrambled32 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Williecleuch:

Sent you a message

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