PRESS RELEASE: Climbers for Palestine climb 366km, and raise over $85,000 in global climb-a-thon

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 UKC Gear 05 Jun 2024

In April 2024, Climbers For Palestine brought together over 1,000 climbers from more than 25 countries and 6 continents to participate in the Climb The Wall challenge. Collectively, they aimed to climb 768 km, the same length as the 'Apartheid Walls' Israel has built around and within the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza.

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 C Witter 07 Jun 2024
In reply to UKC Gear:

Nice write-up. Just imagine if UKC had done a news story and placed this at the top of the home page...

 olddirtydoggy 07 Jun 2024
In reply to C Witter:

Yes just imagine, they could run more politically charged articles that would drive people like me away who come here to get away from the news. I've no issue with the Palastinians or any national group for that matter but I'm glad you're not on the editorial team here.

 Dr Toph 09 Jun 2024
In reply to olddirtydoggy:

Yeah except this isn't general news. It's a story specifically about climbers, getting together globally to climb, in solidarity with Palestinian climbers, and in the process raising a really impressive amount of cash for humanitarian aid, which I don't think is too controversial to say is urgently needed. As such it's also a positive story in contrast the doom and gloom of global news and a fine example of our what our community can achieve. 

I also like to shield myself from the constant barrage of news but would be very happy to see this featured as a story on this site. 

 C Witter 09 Jun 2024
In reply to olddirtydoggy:

Would you prefer it was just articles like "Hexes: still worth carrying?" forever? Personally, I think offering solidarity to climbers in another country who are being locked up and tortured is something worthwhile. But, it seems like there's plenty of sand left for you to bury your head it, so go right on ahead!

 mrbird 09 Jun 2024
In reply to UKC Gear:

Anybody fancy a climb for peace in general or is it only the insta cool conflicts that get a mention? 

 olddirtydoggy 10 Jun 2024
In reply to C Witter:

Do you view everything through the prism of your politics? I pity you.

In reply to olddirtydog:

Everyone sees the world through the prism of their own politics. It's better to be aware of that than oblivious of your own bias.


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