Sealskinz socks

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 Flinticus 01 Jun 2022

My pair are letting in water (teated weighed down in basin at home). It seems they have a lifetime guarantee. Has anyone used this? It seems exceptionally optimistic on the part of the manufacturer!

 nikoid 01 Jun 2022
In reply to Flinticus:

Sounds like they've had their life!

 huddschris 01 Jun 2022
In reply to Flinticus:

Not personally but I know a guy who had his replaced after years, no questions asked. Definitely worth a go

In reply to Flinticus:

Bridgedale honoured a similar warranty on my stormsocks so if sealskinz give you any trouble you can tell them the competition are better!

 Andypeak 01 Jun 2022
In reply to Flinticus:

Life time guarantees are just a gimmick because it's the life time of the product. So once it's broken it's lifetime is up. 

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