Abandoned gear at Gogarth

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 Jon Tweedlie 05 Jun 2024

Dinosaur (E5 6a)

Hey everyone,

unfortunately I took a unplanned rapid lowering on pitch 1 of Dinosaur at Gogarth Main Wall (Saturday 1st June), needing to be heli-evac’d, left some gear (some BD cams and quick draws). If anyone could retrieve them, please message me, I’ll be willing to pay for their return  

thanks again,


 colegosney 05 Jun 2024
In reply to Jon Tweedlie:

Really sorry to hear that mate, glad they got you out okay and wishing you a speedy recovery!

 Darron 18 Jun 2024
In reply to Jon Tweedlie:

Good luck with your recovery. You’ll now be the subject of ‘your favourite climbing discussion’ as per your profile🙂

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