Car hire insurance

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 Nic 06 Jun 2024

I haven't hired a car abroad for any length of time for a number of years - can anyone recommend (or unrecommend!) any of the "usual suspect" extra insurance providers?


Post edited at 15:07
 Chris Craggs Global Crag Moderator 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Nic:

I have used iCarhire Insurance for quite a few years now. I had to make a claim a couple of years back and they were very efficient,


 remus Global Crag Moderator 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Nic:

I've had an annual european policy with for a few years, think it's about £50 per year? Had to claim through them a few years ago and it was straightforward, despite some irregularity with how I payed the excess to the hire company (cant remember the details, but for some reason some of it was paid in euros and some in pounds).

 LastBoyScout 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Nic:

I've had cover with a couple of these, but not had to claim, so can't vouch for that side of it.

OP Nic 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Nic:

thanks all, helpful suggestions

 Neil Williams 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Nic:

Must admit that while it's expensive taking the hire company's own waiver does save some faffing.  I have been party to the crashing* of a hire car once, and when returning it I told them it had been scraped down one side and they took a couple of taps of the keyboard and said "OK, you have bought the extra insurance, that's fine" and off I walked with no admin to do at all.  I bet they didn't even bother fixing it - they certainly didn't even seem particularly bothered about looking at it.

* I didn't crash it, a friend named on it did, but I had to return it because I had the later timed flight.

Post edited at 09:49
 elliot.baker 07 Jun 2024
In reply to Nic:

I've always used moneymaxim for car hire excess insurance cover, never had an issue but never had to claim. Think you have to select the country(s) you're going to.

Obvs just be aware of all the usual things that catch some people out that you will need a credit card, in your name, that you made the booking with to put the excess hold on for whatever few hundred/thousand [local currency] that is. 

My bro in law and loads of other people are caught out with that (he tried to use a debit card and they wouldn't let him, wouldn't let him use my card instead, etc.)

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