Albarracin in the mags, access & irresponsible journalism

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i.munro 17 Apr 2008

I happen to have bought a French & uk magazine recently both of which carry an article on Albarracin.

The French article is very clear that the access situation is fragile & gives a list of rules which must be followed in order not to jeopardise this.
Quite high on the list is visible marks so no tick marks & an absolute minimum of chalk.

The British mag, by contrast, mentions chalk only in passing within the tesxt, without empahasising it's importance & has a set of picture in nearly all of which chalk bags are being worn.

So I had a look at

where it again gives a list of rules & no 4 is:

"4.- Minimizar en lo posible el impacto visual del magnesio en la roca, utilizando el minimo imprescindible, o mejor, usar
eco-magnesio (con tinte similar a la roca) y cepillando/trapeando el mismo tras su escalada, así como no esta permitido
hacer clecas.y en el caso de que ses estrictamente necesario, colocar tritas de espadrapo que luego seran retiradas."

Now my Spanish isn't great (anyone care to translate) but it seems clear that minimizing visual marks is highly important.

i.munro 17 Apr 2008
In reply to i.munro:

Turns out they've provided a translation:

3.- Minimize at maximum the visual impact of the magnesium on the rock: use only the indispensable quantity, brush
before and after climbing and tleave all your garbage (cigarettes, fingers strap, ecc...). Possibly use eco-magnesium (with
rock-similar colour pigment - see the Metolius one - )
4.- Parking only in the autorized areas (P signals), and don’t drive in forestal routes.Camping and light free fires are
strictly forbidden.
5- Don’t “paint” the boulders with stripes or other signs for your dynos! If is necessary, use an adhesive band or your
strap and remove it after climbing. ABSOLUTELY don’t use POF or pine’s resine.
6- NEVER use metallic brushes, even on unclimbed boulders.

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