Arbroath sea cliffs beta?

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 lyndon alcock 07 Sep 2023

Anyone  been to Arbroath , it seems like the general vibe is it's sandbagged as hell but some of the climbs feel possible if I go round and clean them . I'd like to do "waves of emotion" on "the platform" but I feel like I need help with the beta, I can't seem to get past the human sized crack above the first clip anyone done this climb before?

 petegunn 07 Sep 2023
In reply to lyndon alcock:

We had a quick look some years ago, quite sandy and would obviously benefit from a wipe down before going for it on lead on the harder climbs. The easier ones are more manageable.

If you check the log books and folks have been in them recently they'll probably be ok.

Lovely area, look out for the seals

Post edited at 23:17
 sheppy 21 Sep 2023
In reply to lyndon alcock:

Def worth giving it a brush with a big soft brush on the ab in. Especially in the summer months the sandstone dries out and sheds lots of sand on the holds. best time of year is spring when everything is usually much less sandy. 

Cant remember the moves on the particular route sadly so no help for beta.

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