Lords of Trad | Adam Ondra, Pete Whittaker and Will Bosi

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 Wimlands 02 Oct 2023
In reply to DizzyVizion:

Stunning looking place…

 Andy Say 02 Oct 2023
In reply to DizzyVizion:

It's a cracking area. First went there about 30 years ago. 

It's a good antidote to the 'european climbers just do sport', 'we invented trad', 'they can't jam' shizzle.

Also note: NO chalk!

 Darkinbad 03 Oct 2023
In reply to DizzyVizion:

What a great video. The title, probably deliberately, comes across as self-aggrandising - but then you start to realise who the lords of trad really were. I don't think I have seen any of those 3 look quite so human, and on nominally modest grades too.

OP DizzyVizion 03 Oct 2023
In reply to Darkinbad:

> What a great video. The title, probably deliberately, comes across as self-aggrandising - but then you start to realise who the lords of trad really were. I don't think I have seen any of those 3 look quite so human, and on nominally modest grades too.

The guys who first climbed those routes back in the 60's, 70's barefoot with a rope tied around their chest, are possibly worthy of the title 😊

Do you know what the UK trad grades are for those climbs?

Post edited at 14:15
 bpmclimb 03 Oct 2023
In reply to DizzyVizion:

Really enjoyed the video - thanks for posting. That half-pipe feature looks desperately insecure, and really bold, too.

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