Yoga fit club 3nd week

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 heleno 17 Apr 2020

A thread for those using the (now extended) lockdown either to start yoga, or to take their yoga further. 

NOT intended to detract from the long-running UKC fit club, but to allow yoga-specific sharing of tips, video class recommendations, achievements etc.  I’m also a yoga teacher, so if you’re a beginner I may be able to answer any queries.

Any newcomers to the thread, please feel free to join in!

Last weeks thread:

Derek Furze: Glad the on line resources and this thread are helping.  Hope this week went okay.

Little Butch: Great that you’re enjoying the relaxation!  Have you tried any other videos?  Any you’d recommend?

HansStuttgart: How are the core workouts going?  Is it starting to get easier like you hoped?

Girlymonkey: Hope your running injury is starting to improve, and that yoga is helping in the meantime.  Of the videos you’ve been doing, are there any you’d particularly recommend? 

Flamingsarah: That combination of Ashtanga, restorative yoga and walk sounds a great way to maintain physical and mental health. 

Disclaimer: Even very strong and fit climbers can injure themselves if yoga poses are done incorrectly.  If you’re trying yoga for the first time via an online class, it’s best to choose one which takes time to show how to do the poses safely

 girlymonkey 17 Apr 2020
In reply to heleno:

I have been using quite a few of Adrien's ones, but often just whatever comes up of around the length I want in a Google search! Lol. 

My foot is so much better. I had an appointment via video with a local sports physio to help me understand exactly what types of stretches I needed to be doing and showed me some pressure points to massage too. So now doing a yoga warm up before my run and then some other stretching after it. I ran today for the third consecutive day and my foot is feeling great so it seems to be working.

My husband found one that works for him too, so hopefully he will keep at it too.

In reply to heleno:

I myself have continued working on strengthening 

Sirsasana - currently 3 minutes holding

Navasana - boat 



I have started to try and learn

8 angled pose

Parivrtta Ardhachandrasana .

I'm aspiring to be able to learn some arm balance such as side crow , however I'm finding 8 angled pose difficult to hold for more than 15-20 seconds. 

OP heleno 18 Apr 2020
In reply to heleno:

Looking at the latest guidance on lockdown rules, I was interested to see yoga practice listed as an acceptable reason to leave your home.

I do love practicing yoga outside (in nice weather), often at campsites or in my own garden, but occasionally in remote or beautiful spots - for example, very memorably, at the top of St Govans.

Anyone planning to take advantage of this and practice yoga somewhere outside their home?

In reply to heleno:

> Looking at the latest guidance on lockdown rules, I was interested to see yoga practice listed as an acceptable reason to leave your home.

> I do love practicing yoga outside (in nice weather), often at campsites or in my own garden, but occasionally in remote or beautiful spots - for example, very memorably, at the top of St Govans.

> Anyone planning to take advantage of this and practice yoga somewhere outside their home?

I had considered it in my garden but my neighbors probably think I'm strange already.  

 Derek Furze 18 Apr 2020
In reply to heleno:

Good advice on care with poses, though so far it seems reasonably careful and with gentle progression.  Managing alternate days at the moment, but mainly because project work is in the way.  Good fun and relaxing 

OP heleno 19 Apr 2020
In reply to heleno:

My own progress last week has been so-so.  I've been taking advantage of the weather to do lots of walking, so have focused on Yin yoga to release tired and tight leg muscles.

I'm noticing less improvement in my peak poses, so I've decided to take a step back and address some of the underlying issues.  So targets for this week are:

- Focus on building core strength further

- Continue to stretch hip flexors and hamstrings daily, and also tight wrists which are holding me back in Wheel pose.

I'm also struggling with tight shoulders in Wheel (presumably pecs and anterior rotator cuff).  Can anybody recommended any preparatory stretches or modifications which would help me release these?

Post edited at 10:41
 Flamingsarah 19 Apr 2020
In reply to Chive Talkin\':

Navasana is fantastic for core strength, especially if you slowly lower your straight legs and lay down at the same time after the final one.

In reply to Flamingsarah:

> Navasana is fantastic for core strength, especially if you slowly lower your straight legs and lay down at the same time after the final one.

They all flow very easily into one another as well Halasana,  Navasana, Sarvangasana . 

I combine them with sit ups crunches ,  leg raises their fantastic additions to any serious exercise regime . 

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