Sport climbing near Richmond, North Yorkshire

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 Linus Osorio 05 Jun 2016
Wasn't too sure whether this should go in RockTalk, or Starting Out, so feel free to move this if it's in the wrong place moderators.

A friend and I are looking to take up climbing in the Richmond area, North Yorkshire. We're both 17 and I can drive now, so we can manage reasonable distances away from Richmond.

We've decided that sport climbing would be the best way into the sport. We've both had a few sessions at climbing walls, but these tend to be prohibitively expensive, especially with gear hire on top of normal entry. I can scrounge a pair of decent harnesses, rope and a belay device, which I think is all we'd need- making do with trainers in the place of rockboots in the meantime. (Am I right in thinking this?)

So, can anyone recommend any decent sport routes in the area? We both climb to about 4a/b at the moment.
OP Linus Osorio 05 Jun 2016
In reply to Linus Osorio:

Forgot quick draws in that- an additional question; how many would be needed for the average sport route?
 guisboro andy 06 Jun 2016
In reply to Linus Osorio:

The nearest sport crags are in the southern dales, malham etc. you will need rock shoes. There are not many routes at 4 grade.
 Rakim 06 Jun 2016
In reply to Linus Osorio:

quality easy grade sport climbing is a bit thin on the ground, though robin proctors scar near clapham has probably has the best 6a's around (plus most tops are snap links so don't need to thread the belays, which might be a plus when you're starting out), and there are a few easier 5's at high stoney bank. if you're at richmond a good way to start would be some of the great bouldering around the area. you're close to scugdale, which is in the rockfax northern guide and the new north york moors guide. bring big bouldering mats.

plus find someone experienced to take you out leading to teach you all the "tricks". or get on one of the courses people run in the area like:
OP Linus Osorio 06 Jun 2016
In reply to Linus Osorio:

Thanks for the replies, looks like sport climbing might not be ideal.

We'll stay indoors for the forseeable I imagine, at least until we can find mentors for the great outdoors.
OP Linus Osorio 06 Jun 2016
In reply to Simon Caldwell:

That's helpful, thanks.

Apologies for thread drift, but if sport isn't the way to go- then I'm guessing the next stop is trad:

In that case, any tips on starting out?
 farmerwad 06 Jun 2016
In reply to Linus Osorio:

You are welcome to come out with the S.O.C. climbers. You could borrow some gear until you have collected your own rack. (link in previous reply)
OP Linus Osorio 06 Jun 2016
In reply to farmerwad:

Might have forgotten to post my last message: I'll repeat just in case...

That sounds great! PM sent now

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