Climbing partner

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JoannaMazur 14 Feb 2017

Hi, I'm Joanna and I live in Northampton. I'm looking for someone to climb with. I start my adventure with climbing some time ago, but my level is still begginer couse my practice is really poor. All my friend which I'm climbing with living far away from me so we have a chance to meet just from time to time. I would like to find someone from close distance to have chance to meet often and more practice. I'm polish girl so it will be briliant if this person will be polish to it's much more easier for communicate each other

Witam, jestem Joanna i mieszkam w Northampton. Szukam osoby, z która moglabym kontynuowac moja wspinaczkowa przygode, która zaczelam jakis czas temu. Nadal jestem na poziomie osoby poczatkujacej z racji braku praktyki i braku partnera wspinaczkowego. Wszyscy moi znajomi z którymi sie wspinam niestety mieszkaja daleko ode mnie wiec nie mam zbyt wielu okazji do wspólnej wspinaczki. Chcialabym poznac kogos z bliskich okolic lub z samego Northampton. Bardzo fajnie by bylo gdyby ta osoba równiez byla polskiego pochodzenia, byloby mi sie o wiele latwiej komunikowac
Post edited at 11:14
 Climber_Bill 14 Feb 2017
In reply to JoannaMazur:

Have you tried The Pinnacle climbing centre in Northampton? I have only been once, but it's a very good wall and the staff were very friendly. They may have evenings where you can meet other climbers looking for partners.

I understand about meeting others speaking the same language, but your English will improve much quicker if you are willing to climb with non-Polish speakers. You will also meet loads more climbers. I climb with Spanish, Greek, French, Polish, Italian and even Yorkshire folk and we all manage to understand each other.

My French improved dramatically when I spent some time working in France and just had to get on with it and learn and speak French.

Good luck,

JoannaMazur 15 Feb 2017
In reply to Climber_Bill:

Thanks a lot I will try
 stp 15 Feb 2017
In reply to JoannaMazur:

There's also a forum for partners (and lifts)...

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