Delivery of tea bags to chamonix??

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 betathief 20 Jul 2017

Could anyone driving to chamonix over the next month be as kind to bring me out some UK based supplies? Mainly tea bags, cadburys highlights hot chocolate and cuppa porridges?

I've ran out and as I live in my van I won't be going home until next year. Obviously happy to reimburse the money, meet up and buy a thank you drink. If anyone can help please let me know!


Ant n Jess
Lusk 20 Jul 2017
In reply to betathief:

Get your Mum to send you a food parcel to Chamonix Post Office and go and pick it up.
I had my EBs sent out that way nearly 40 years ago. Don't know how I knew when it arrived, must've kept going in and asking them.

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