Improving surgical mask fit

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 Andy Johnson 17 Mar 2021

Simple technique to improve the fit of surgical masks:

 girlymonkey 17 Mar 2021
In reply to Andy Johnson:

I find that leaves a big gaping bit at the sides for me. I pull one end of the ear loop off, which makes a hole, then feed that end through the hole and tie it at the length I need. Then trim the end. 

Surgical masks are made for big faces, it's time they came up with smaller ones! Most healthcare workers are women, but yet the masks tend to fit men better! 

OP Andy Johnson 17 Mar 2021
In reply to girlymonkey:

> I find that leaves a big gaping bit at the sides for me.

In the video she kind of tucks and folds that in before putting the mask on. I found it easier to do this once it was on my face. It does feel more snug, but I'm not sure why I've only just found out about this.

> Surgical masks are made for big faces, it's time they came up with smaller ones!

I agree. We've had a year to get better at this stuff...

Post edited at 13:19
In reply to Andy Johnson:

The two simplest things to do are:

1) pre-form the nose fit by bending in the middle, around a finger, and then bend back each side about 1" from the centre, before fitting to the face.

2) expand the concertina section

The number of people I see who clearly haven't done this is depressing (and from masks discarded on the streets). But then I guess there have been no public service films demonstrating it...

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