Physio in Oxford area - finger injury

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 Mick r 26 Sep 2023


Can anyone recommend a decent physio in the Oxford area?

My daughter injured her index finger yesterday at the wall and sounds like a tendon injury so looking for someone with a bit of experience with climbing finger injuries



Post edited at 20:43
 Jamie Wakeham 26 Sep 2023
In reply to Mick r:

When I damaged my finger a while back, and wanted a climbing specialist, I came to the conclusion it was worth going to RISE in Bristol.  They work out of Redpoint.

edit: I also looked at London options, which I'm sure would have been just as good, but as I have family near Bristol it was easy to justify the trip to see them at the same time.

Post edited at 21:57
OP Mick r 26 Sep 2023
In reply to Jamie Wakeham:

Cheers,  Bristol is a bit of a way off I think but will bear in mind if I can't get anywhere closer. Might contact the local wall to see if they have any recommendations

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