Did you find one of Joe's Golden Nuts? Press Release

© Joe Browns

Did you find one of Joe’s Golden Nuts? Judging by the excellent pictures we have received from those of you that did there has been an extreme amount of fun had out on Joe Brown’s classic routes this summer.

Folks have sent out their search dogs to find them, climbers have taken their kids out on the hunt, some have been stumbled upon by accident, epic drives have been endured to secure one and a gentleman, who just loves treasure hunts found two especially for each of his climbing daughters. There is also a story (as yet un-verified) of a nut being found on Gogarth but then having to be used in anger on a neighbouring E5 where it was reluctantly but fundamentally “christened”.

The last few weeks have seen climbers quizzing shop staff members mercilessly as to where the latest ones have been placed and which ones may be left to find but we are pretty confident that all of the nuts have now been found.
But it’s not over yet…

One of the lucky winners who uploaded their selfie to the UK Climbing Joe brown competition gallery is set to be the proud owner of a beautifully framed 50th anniversary poster signed by Joe himself. On the 18th September we will pick a winner at random and contact them. If you haven’t uploaded yours yet – there’s still time!

A massive thanks to everyone who joined the hunt and sent us messages to say how much fun they have had. Thanks also go especially to our friends at DMM for making such a unique piece of climbing history and our friends at UK Climbing for helping us promote our competition and placing all of the Peak District nuts. An extra special thanks too for our Joe Brown staff team in Wales who were out in all weathers and who even, on occasion, didn’t make it back to the pub until after 10pm due to the careful and diligent placement of Joes Golden Nuts.

Joe Brown signing posters  © Joe Browns
Joe Brown signing posters
© Joe Browns

It’s been a crazy summer of trad so far and with so much world class rock on our doorstep there is plenty more to be had.Keep your guidebook handy and get some more safe adventures in this season.

Bring on the 18th September!

For more information Joe Brown's

9 Sep, 2016
The Mincer (HVS 5b) Yeah, some guy left a nut at our feet at the Roaches at the end of July, just as my leader Alex was about to get minced on the Mincer. Apparently you're supposed to take a selfie of yourself on the climb with the golden nut, but The Mincer route was too bloody hard to think about trying to get your phone out of your pocket en-route. A doff of the hat to Joe Brown and Don Whillans!
That was me! Sounds like your experience of The Mincer was very similar to mine: what a brute!
12 Sep, 2016
Not me but my mate found one at the top of the ab in to DOWH.

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