Fontainebleau Magique

Fontainebleau Magique
Author David Atchison-Jones
Published Jingo Wobbly (2007)
ISBN 978-1-873665-817



A full colour exciting guidebook for the average grade boulderer, includes the quieter and less visited parts of the forest. There are over 2500 problems in the book, covering 50 Orange and Blue circuits. 336 pages with 200 colour photos. In English & French, with introductions in German and Italian. [Undertow]

Crags covered by this Guide
Seine-et-Marn crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
91.1 384 Sandstone (hard) all
Apremont 1482 Sandstone (hard) all
Bas Cuvier 450 Sandstone (hard) ?
Bois Ronds 247 Sandstone (hard) ?
Buthiers Canard 151 Sandstone (hard) S
Buthiers Tennis 100 Sandstone (hard) ?
Franchard Hautes-Plaines 206 Sandstone (hard) all
Franchard Sablons 126 Sandstone (hard) ?
Gorge aux Châts 268 Sandstone (hard) SW
J.A. Martin 360 Sandstone (hard) all
L'Elephant 358 Sandstone (hard) ?
La Canche aux Merciers 382 Sandstone (hard) all
La Roche aux Sabots 351 Sandstone (hard) ?
Massif L'I 82 Sandstone (hard) all
Maunoury 115 Sandstone (hard) ?
Mont Aigu 137 Sandstone (hard) ?
Mont Ussy 120 Sandstone (hard) all
Rocher Cailleau 131 Sandstone (hard) all
Rocher Canon 479 Sandstone (hard) ?
Rocher d'Avon 90 Sandstone (hard) all
Rocher de Cathedrale 17 Sandstone (hard) all
Rocher des Potets 108 Sandstone (hard) all
Rocher du Potala 323 Sandstone (hard) SW

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