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Climbs 51
Rocktype UNKNOWN
Altitude 303m a.s.l
Faces SE

Crag features

A collection of boulders and walls close to the waters edge. They consist of good rock but a soft brush will be of benefit as they are a little on the scrittly side at present. The venue makes the most of any available sun.

Approach notes

Park at the ogwen cottage end of the lake. The venue lies on the far side (ie the carneddau side) directly opposite the promontory sticking out into the lake from the milestone buttress carpark. A flat amble of about 20 mins will see you there. It is better to walk along the main path rather than the path along the waters edge for orientation purposes.

Top boulder. Lies just off the path on the left and is located just after a white marker post after you have crossed through the wall.

Middle boulders. Drop down the grassy rake under the telegraph wires. These are the short problems by the wall on the right.

Baby block is the small standing block in front of the good wall adjacent to the lake.

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