The left arete.


Push to the 7s - Yorkshire Grit , The Quest , The Brimham Dirty Dozen , Yorkshire Gritstone Vol.1 Graded List - Bouldering , Classic Yorkshire Boulders up to 7b


User Date Notes
dsefton1403 27 May, 2023 Show βeta
βeta: All the way to the rail over the lip from the bottom but couldn't top it out. Bringing the left foot up after getting left hand on sloping arete and before moving right hand is key.
Show beta
βeta: All the way to the rail over the lip from the bottom but couldn't top it out. Bringing the left foot up after getting left hand on sloping arete and before moving right hand is key.

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Guidebooks for Brimham Rocks

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High f7A
Mid f7A
Low f7A
High f6C+
Mid f6C+
Low f6C+
High f6C
Mid f6C
Low f6C
High f6B+
Mid f6B+
Low f6B+
High f6B
Mid f6B
Low f6B
Votes cast 45
Votes cast 60
Style of Ascent
Not Set
Flashed (β)
Not Set
Route of Interest
Wishbone Ash

Grade: f6C+ ***
(Ash Head)

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