Contributed by fuzzysheep01 Jun/20 - This public ticklist has been seen 3,929 times

The graded bouldering list from YMC 2012 guidebook - ticklist still in progress

Flapjack traverse at Caley  © Andrew Poland
Flapjack traverse at Caley
© Andrew Poland, Apr 2007

58 users are subscribed to this ticklist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 41% 13 May
2nd Will Hunt 33% 18 Feb
3rd Hidden 31% 5 Nov, 2023
4th Hidden 22% 30 Aug
5th david morse 22% 3 Sep
6th thebigfriendlymoose 22% 23 Jun
7th IRad 19% 21 Nov, 2021
8th Haydn Jones 16% 27 Jan
9th Jmpollard 16% 21 Apr
10th Hidden 16% 6 Dec, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this ticklist

Ru Davies finds he has to pull quite hard on the Pinch at Caley crags, V5.

The Pinch
Ru Davies finds he has to pull quite hard on the Pinch at Caley crags, V5.
© Simon Richardson


© Nick Brown

Boris will hopefully bust........

Boris or Bust
Boris will hopefully bust........
© Mike_d78

Demon Wall Roof

Demon Wall Roof
© A Nidderdale boulderer.

Boxing Day Tick of Hunters Roof

Hunter's Roof
Boxing Day Tick of Hunters Roof
© peewee2008

Looking for the pocket on Pistol whip

Pistol Whip
Looking for the pocket on Pistol whip
© Tom Macleod

Charlotte on The Gypsy at Alsmcliff

The Gypsy
Charlotte on The Gypsy at Alsmcliff
© Tom Peckitt

Peter 'pencil in another problem' phillips strikes again...

Simple Sally
Peter 'pencil in another problem' phillips strikes again...
© peterp


© peewee2008

Joe on underhand

Joe on underhand
© HarmM

Tom on Slapstick Arete (f7a+)

Slapstick Arete
Tom on Slapstick Arete (f7a+)
© Will Stokes

Rob on layby arete

Lay-By Arete
Rob on layby arete
© JohnHartley

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Bulbhaul f8A+ ** 5 ? Almscliff
Ullola f8B - ? Caley Crags
High Fidelity f8B *** 1 ? Caley Crags
Yes We Can f8B *** 1 ? Whitehouses
Super Furry Animal f8A+ - ? Slipstones
X-Calibre Direct SDS f8B ** - ? Hunter's Stones
Cypher f8B *** 5 ? Slipstones
The Real Keelhaul f8A+ ** 1 ? Almscliff
Brownian Motion f8A+ *** 7 ? West Chevin Boulders
Keelhaul f8A *** 17 ? Almscliff
Ironside f8A+ 1 ? Brimham Rocks
Toe-Fu f8A+ 2 ? Simon's Seat
X-Calibre SDS f8A+ ** 2 ? Hunter's Stones
Cherry Falls f8A+ *** 4 ? Almscliff
Fluid Dynamics f8A+ *** 5 ? West Chevin Boulders
Mr C V12 5 ? Brimham Rocks
Harvest V11 - ? Chevin Buttress
The Full Virgin Traverse f8A - ? Almscliff
Ranieri's Reach f8A 1 4m Caley Crags
Lockdown SDS f8A ** 1 ? Hunter's Stones
Omega V11 5 ? Chevin Buttress
Identity Crisis f8A * - ? Almscliff
Vogue f8A 3 ? Bat Buttress
Mistaken Identity f8A * 1 ? Caley Crags
Canine f8A * 6 ? Almscliff
Growled f8A *** 3 ? Whitehouses
New Blood f8A - ? Caley Crags
To You Too f7C+ 27 ? Brimham Rocks
Zoo York f8A ** 35 ? Caley Crags
Chiasmata f8A ** 23 ? Almscliff
All Natural f8A ** 8 ? Almscliff
The Trial of Slinky Bobs Master f8A *** 1 ? Whitehouses
Zen f8A * - ? Almscliff
The Fonze f8A *** 22 ? Brimham Rocks
Banana Republic f8A *** 6 ? Caley Crags
Vicious Streak f8A 12 ? Caley Crags
Exocet f8A 5 2m Slipstones
Heaven In Your Hands f7C *** 45 ? Brandrith
Ben's Groove sit-start f7C+ *** 24 ? Caley Crags
Anniemutt f7C+ * - ? Slipstones
Digital Delirium f7C+ 4 ? Eavestone Crag
Like A Hurricane f7C+ ** 21 ? Chevin Buttress
Underhand Super Extension f7C+ * 12 ? Almscliff
Archimedes f7C+ 6 ? Norwood
Ponce f7C *** 17 ? Brimham Rocks
No More Mr Next Try f7C+ 1 ? Caley Crags
Mikes Problem f7B ** 27 ? Brimham Rocks
Hercules f7C+ * 11 ? Whitehouses
Blood Brothers SDS f7C+ - ? Simon's Seat
Galaxy LH f7C+ * 1 ? Simon's Seat
Hussefelt V10 2 ? Brimham Rocks
Guacamole Salsa Start V10 - ? Caley Crags
Super G aka Pinch Perfect f7C+ 1 ? Nought Bank Boulders
Northern Soul f7C+ * 2 ? Caley Crags
Energy Crisis f7C+ ** 12 ? Snowden Crags
The Fridge f7C+ 4 ? Brimham Rocks
Ralph f7C+ ** 1 ? Caley Crags
Stu's Roof f7C+ *** 46 ? Almscliff
Twilight Session f7C+ - ? Slipstones
To Me To You V10 50 ? Brimham Rocks
Everything Counts V9 2 ? Slipstones
Magnum Opus Direct Start f7C+ ** - ? Almscliff
The Real Keel f7C+ *** 17 ? Almscliff
Crazy legs Crome f7C+ *** 8 ? Whitehouses
The Bulb f7C+ ** 42 ? Almscliff
Big Fish f7B ** 21 ? Plantation Crack
Three Squirrels f7C+ 7 ? Caley Crags
Terry f7C * 9 ? Caley Crags
Juha's Arête f7C ** 3 ? Caley Crags
Diamond Lights f7C 3 ? Eavestone Crag
Jess's Roof f7C *** 69 ? Almscliff
Big Kicks f7C *** 6 ? Lord's Seat
Fluide f7C *** 30 ? Crow Crag
Sky Diamond f7C 8 ? Eavestone Crag
The Brock f7C 4 ? Snowden Crags
The Archer V9 4 ? Brimham Rocks
Whitefinger f7B+ ** 17 ? Whitehouses
The U-Tube f7C - ? Brimham Rocks
Hunter's Roof f7C *** 47 ? Hunter's Stones
Pot Black f7C 1 ? Little Brimham
The Fabulous Number Two f7C 1 ? Eavestone Crag
Waite E5 7a ** 2 ? Caley Crags
Kermit f7C 2 ? Lord's Seat
Agrippa f7C ** 2 6m Caley Crags
Pedestal Arete (From Sitting) f7C ** 18 ? Caley Crags
5p 10p V9 1 ? Brimham Rocks
Nothing's Safe f7C * 1 6m Caley Crags
Guacamole f7C 1 ? Caley Crags
The Niche Dyno / Jumper's Dyno f7C ** 28 ? Brimham Rocks
Pencil's Problem f7C - ? Caley Crags
Stipule f7C 6 3m Slipstones
Andy's Route SDS f7C 3 ? Caley Crags
The Keel f7C ** 343 ? Almscliff
Solipsism f7C * - ? Simon's Seat
Blockbuster f7C * 71 ? Caley Crags
Pounce f7B+ *** 34 ? Brimham Rocks
Lay-By Arete f7B+ *** 101 ? Slipstones
The True Pebble Wall E5 6c ** 6 ? Caley Crags
Syrett's Saunter/Pebble Wall f7B+ * 93 ? Caley Crags
Underhand f7B+ ** 287 ? Almscliff
Reach for a Peach E4 6c * 4 ? Hetchell
One Love V8+ 1 ? Brimham Rocks
The Crystal Method f7B+ ** 42 ? Caley Crags
Magnolia f7B+ * 2 ? Simon's Seat
Streaky's Traverse f7B+ *** 30 ? Almscliff
No Pebble Arete f7C * 6 ? Caley Crags
I'm Chief Kamanawanalaya f7B+ ** 10 ? Plantation Crack
The Dark Side of Chi f7B+ ** 11 ? Almscliff
Phoenix wall f7B+ ** 16 ? Panorama Crag...
Stu's Roof Left-hand f7B+ * 64 ? Almscliff
Holeshot f7C * 7 6m Slipstones
Sewer Rat Connection f7B+ ** 16 ? Almscliff
Wainwright's Wobble f7B+ * 1 ? Caley Crags
Jaws V8+ 2 ? Plantation Crack
Blood Brothers f7B+ ** - ? Simon's Seat
Ju Ju Club f7B+ ** 101 ? Caley Crags
Pieces of Eight V8+ 1 ? Brimham Rocks
Bad Etiquette f7B+ * - ? Caley Crags
Eclipse V8+ - ? Nought Bank Boulders
Psycho Direct E5 6c *** 4 ? Caley Crags
Two Squirrels f7B+ ** 42 ? Caley Crags
E.S.P f7B+ ** 4 ? Brimham Rocks
Scary Canary f7B+ * 46 ? Caley Crags
Tantric Traverse f7B+ 65 ? Snowden Crags
Freak Technique f7B+ - ? Caley Crags
Secret Seventh f7C * 82 ? Caley Crags
The Titfield Thunderbolt f7B+ ** 172 ? Brimham Rocks
Toboggan Wall f7B ** - ? Nought Bank Boulders
To Be is Not To Bolt E6 6c ** 17 ? Caley Crags
McNab f7B *** 128 ? Lord's Seat
Pinky Traverse Flake Finish f7B ** 46 ? Brimham Rocks
Crusis f7B ** 372 ? Almscliff
The Long Haul f7B *** 10 ? Brimham Rocks
Millionaire f7C *** 2 ? Great Wolfrey
Pistol Whip f7B *** 41 ? Almscliff
iPerbole f7B - ? Simon's Seat
Trust f7B ** 66 4m Nought Bank Boulders
Wisecrack Superdirect f7B 26 5m Slipstones
Self Suicide f7B+ * 45 ? Slipstones
Just the One f7B 3 ? Caley Crags
Chocolate Orange f7A 5 ? Caley Crags
The Good News f7C *** 1 7m Little Brimham
So Pussy f7A+ ** 49 ? Little Brimham
Half a Drainpipe f7B+ 13 ? Crow Crag
Crimpy Roof V8+ * 189 ? Brimham Rocks
The Prow f7A+ ** 103 ? Caley Crags
Ben's Groove f7B * 163 ? Caley Crags
Mystical Powers f7B - ? Bolton Haw - Temple...
Particle Collision f7B ** 1 ? West Chevin Boulders
Low Pressure f7A+ * 22 ? West Chevin Boulders
Monsoon Monsoon f7C 1 ? Caley Crags
Benchmark f7B *** 20 ? Brimham Rocks
Kindergarten Wall f7B 5 ? Caley Crags
Andy's Route f7A+ * 7 ? Caley Crags
Ian's Traverse f7B+ * 45 ? Brimham Rocks
Serpico f7B * 16 ? Brimham Rocks
Short wall dyno V8 2 ? Caley Crags
Ripper Arete f7B+ * 2 ? Caley Crags
Mindbend (Field Side Traverse) f7B ** 14 ? Almscliff
The Grouch f7B *** 153 ? Brimham Rocks
Sulky Little Boys f7A+ *** 176 ? Slipstones
Wongy f7A+ 7 ? Bat Buttress
Pinky f7A+ *** 50 3m Brimham Rocks
Fantasy League f7A+ *** 30 ? Brimham Rocks
Whaleback f7B ** 57 ? Simon's Seat
By Hook or By Crook SDS f7A+ *** 8 ? Hunter's Stones
Demon Wall Roof f7A+ *** 732 ? Almscliff
Simple Sally f7A+ * 70 6m Slipstones
Supermodel f7A+ 2 ? Cat Crags
Backbite f7A+ 3 ? Norwood
Eat The Light f7A+ * 78 ? West Chevin Boulders
Dew Drop f7A+ 3 ? Eavestone Crag
Dreamland f7A+ ** 126 ? Almscliff
'Arries 'Ook Direct Start f7A+ * 67 ? Almscliff
Ahab f7A+ * 1 ? Caley Crags
Pocket Knife f7A+ *** 25 ? Caley Crags
Peshmerga f7A+ ** 17 ? Whitehouses
Slapstick Arete f7A+ ** 122 ? Caley Crags
Rachael's Box f7A+ 152 ? Brimham Rocks
Over Easy f7A+ ** 91 ? Caley Crags
Falcon f7A 57 ? Norwood
Jumpin' Jack Flash f7A+ *** 3 ? Great Wolfrey
Finches Fuel f7A+ 4 ? Caley Crags
Flapjack Traverse f7A+ * 114 ? Caley Crags
Ultimate Emotion f7A+ 1 ? Brandrith
Chipper Traverse f7A+ 1 ? Brimham Rocks
Black Chipper Arete f7A+ ** 320 ? Brimham Rocks
Longbow f6C+ *** 113 ? Brimham Rocks
Governor f7A+ ** 31 4m Brimham Rocks
Si's Arete f7A+ ** 295 ? Almscliff
The Rack f7A+ ** 55 ? Brimham Rocks
Horn Rib f7A+ ** 243 ? Caley Crags
Jokers Wall Traverse f7A+ 91 ? Brimham Rocks
Brown's Roof f7A+ ** 5 ? Almscliff
The Anchor f7A+ *** 391 ? Brimham Rocks
Pair in a Cubicle f7A * 208 ? Brimham Rocks
Morrell's Wall Traverse f7A ** 374 ? Almscliff
Whisky Galore f7A *** 593 ? Brimham Rocks
Rageh Omaar f7A ** 73 ? Whitehouses
Barley Mow f7A ** 60 6m Almscliff
Icicle f7A 19 ? Great Roova Crag
Hen Arete f7A 49 ? Hen Stones
The Low-Level Traverse f7A 4 ? Hetchell
Suckerpunch f7A * 3 ? Nought Bank Boulders
Piglet Arete f7A ** 3 ? Sypeland
Hammill's Rib f7A * 10 6m Almscliff
Slideshow V6 - ? Nought Bank Boulders
Patta's Arete f7A ** 313 ? Almscliff
The Blazing Apostle f7A 6 ? Great Roova Crag
Aurora f7A 49 ? Great Roova Crag
CandA Traverse f7A ** 176 ? Almscliff
Controlled Burning f7A 2 ? Brown Beck Crag
Middle Traverse f7A *** 1 ? Roundhill
Pocket Wall f7A 26 ? Caley Crags
Little Bill f7A 5 ? Brandrith
Cream Egg Eliminate f7A *** 274 ? Caley Crags
Pok-A-Tok f7A ** 10 ? Nought Bank Boulders
Galaxy f7A 134 ? Simon's Seat
Pinna f7A+ ** - ? Simon's Seat
Yuletide Wall f7A 4 ? Caley Crags
New Jerusalem f6C+ *** 459 ? Caley Crags
Think Pink f7A * 1 ? Little Brimham
Rodeo Rider f7A 11 ? Little Brimham
Death Drop 2000 E4 6b ** 32 ? Caley Crags
The Crucifix Traverse f7A * 626 ? Almscliff
Too Much Too Young f7A * 3 ? Eavestone Crag
Get a Grip f7A 25 ? Eavestone Crag
Pussy Galore V9 5 ? Brimham Rocks
Cleft Dyno f7A * 141 ? Brimham Rocks
Elwood P Dowd f7A+ 30 ? Brimham Rocks
Dolphin's Nose f7A * 210 ? Brimham Rocks
Pebble Wall f6C+ *** 565 ? Almscliff
Green Fingers f6C+ - ? Nought Bank Boulders
Gypus f6B+ *** 38 10m Almscliff
Not My Stile f6C+ * 147 ? Caley Crags
Sloper Patrol f6C+ ** 134 ? Almscliff
Robin's Nest f6C+ 21 ? Norwood
Pancake Scoop f6C+ 10 ? Caley Crags
The Boss aka Loose Change f7A * 1 ? Sypeland
Pine Tree Arete f6C+ *** 171 ? Caley Crags
Pot of Gold f6C+ ** 27 ? Snowden Crags
I Am a Walrus f6C+ * 30 ? Almscliff
Flapjack Groove f6C+ 66 ? Caley Crags
Ed's Dyno f7A * 121 ? Almscliff
Wall of Horrors Traverse f6C+ * 64 ? Almscliff
Syrett's Roof f6C+ ** 394 8m Almscliff
Dolphin Belly Slap V6 * 1140 ? Almscliff
Joker's Flake f6C * 54 ? Brimham Rocks
Pommel f6C+ ** 483 ? Brimham Rocks
Heart Shaped Slab Arete f6C+ *** 35 ? Brimham Rocks
The Virgin Traverse f6C *** 262 ? Almscliff
Boris or Bust f6C *** 68 ? Little Brimham
Lichen Grope f7A ** 2 ? Great Wolfrey
Clingon f6C+ * 5 ? Brimham Rocks
Petrocelli f6C 6 5m Lord's Seat
Optical Illusion f6C 3 ? Snowden Crags
Micro Corner f7A ** 168 ? Slipstones
Rick's Rock E4 6b 92 ? Caley Crags
Cracklin' Crease f6C *** 3 ? Thruscross
Cowboy Daze f6B+ *** 40 ? Little Brimham
Supple Wall f7A+ *** 74 ? Slipstones
Horn Dyno f6C ** 26 ? Caley Crags
Hump Bump V5 1 ? Nought Bank Boulders
Over the Looking Glass f6C ** - ? Eavestone Crag
Wall Direct f6C ** 23 ? Roundhill
Green Wall  V8+ - ? Caley Crags
Cave Arete f6C 4 ? North Nab
The Rocking Groove f6C ** 67 ? Caley Crags
Pocket Wall f6C 67 ? Caley Crags
Hanging Nose V7 1 ? Caley Crags
The Money Shot f6C * - ? Caley Crags
The Pinch f6C * 308 ? Caley Crags
Dead Point Dyno f6B * 1 ? Caley Crags
MBKC Arete f6C 3 ? Caley Crags
The Palm Press f6C - ? Caley Crags
Micro Wall f6C 6 ? Slipstones
Little Baldy f6C+ * 16 4m Slipstones
The Traverse f6C+ 7 ? Eavestone Crag
Murky Rib f6A+ * 274 ? Brimham Rocks
Lost World f6C 117 ? Brimham Rocks
Black Dog Arete f6C * 138 ? Brimham Rocks
Niche Arete f6C ** 97 ? Brimham Rocks
Davies Ramp f6B 116 ? Slipstones
Forked Lightning Crack f6B * 598 ? Caley Crags
Ron's Reach/Ripper Traverse f6B ** 89 ? Caley Crags
Fat Punters' Roof f6C+ ** 75 ? Whitehouses
Bancroft's Roof f6B+ * 123 9m Almscliff
Last Gasp f6B+ 6 4m Brown Beck Crag
Dungud f6B 3 ? Brown Beck Crag
The Gypsy f6B+ *** 157 10m Almscliff
Birk Gill Wall f6B+ 13 ? Birk Gill Crag
Shoot to Kill f6B+ 2 ? Great Roova Crag
Mantel Illness f6B+ 4 ? Caley Crags
Pocket Rock f6B+ * 94 4m Caley Crags
Strictly Personal f6A+ * 60 ? Slipstones
Anniversary Arete f6B+ * 199 ? Brimham Rocks
Saffner Arete V4+ 1 ? Nought Bank Boulders
Plum Prow f6B * 1 ? West Chevin Boulders
Mirky Way Kid f6B+ - ? Brimham Rocks
Moss Arete f6B+ 4 ? Brimham Rocks
Bellyflop f6B+ 183 ? Brimham Rocks
Perky f6B+ 32 ? Brimham Rocks
Niche Corner f6B+ * 98 ? Brimham Rocks
Mr Smooth sit start f6B ** 121 ? Caley Crags
Cookie Monster f6B 4 ? Calf Crag
Cold Crack f6B 5 ? Almscliff
Rock Around the Block V4 *** 26 ? Spofforth Pinnacles
The Flying Arete f6B *** 923 ? Almscliff
Glitterbug f6B - ? Nought Bank Boulders
Crack Nose f6B 55 ? Lord's Seat
The Right Wing f6A+ ** 184 ? Almscliff
Skull Wall f6B 5 ? Snowden Crags
Maurice Chevalier f6B * 32 ? Caley Crags
Fiddlesticks 2 f6C *** 26 ? Bat Buttress
The Bat f6B 7 ? Caley Crags
Larchbow f6B 39 ? Norwood
Roof of the World CD Problem 3 V3 219 ? Caley Crags
Licence to Thrill none 5c *** 30 ? Little Brimham
The Horn f6B 461 ? Caley Crags
The Roof Dyno f6B *** 34 ? Lord's Seat
Little Gem f6B *** 10 ? Eavestone Crag
The Glass Chipper f6B ** 15 ? Caley Crags
Hanging Flake f6B ** 78 ? Caley Crags
Broken Home f6B 12 ? Brandrith
Otley Wall Right-hand f6B 101 4m Caley Crags
Otley Wall Traverse f6B 5 ? Caley Crags
Flake Wall f6B 3 ? Caley Crags
The Great Flake Start (SS) f6B 4 ? Caley Crags
Smooth Wall f6B 32 ? Caley Crags
Joker's Reach f6B 202 ? Brimham Rocks
Dug-out f6B 95 4m Brimham Rocks
Backward J f6C *** 3 ? Clint Crags
Flipper f6B+ ** 108 ? Brimham Rocks
Niche Roof. f6B 131 ? Brimham Rocks
Drop Zone f6B 3 4m Brown Beck Crag
Smiley Dog Arete f6B 7 5m Brown Beck Crag
Heart of Oak f6B ** 14 6m Thruscross
Backhander f6A *** 312 ? Almscliff
Teaspoon Variation f6A+ ** 219 ? Almscliff
Strong as an Oak f6B+ * 1 ? Thruscross
The Crucifix 'Warm Up' Traverse f6A+ ** 386 ? Almscliff
The Crucifix Arete f6A+ ** 494 ? Almscliff
The Stretcher f6A * 153 ? Caley Crags
Back Wall f6A+ 12 ? Caley Crags
Corvus Arete f6A+ 40 ? Crow Crag
Otley Wall f6A ** 615 ? Caley Crags
Thin Slab Direct f6B+ ** 36 ? Caley Crags
Back Stabber f6A+ * 94 ? Caley Crags
The Scone (Slab Only) f6A+ 41 ? Caley Crags
Our Father's Arete f6A+ ** 159 ? Caley Crags
Steptoe f6A+ ** 176 ? Slipstones
Reason and Rowan f6A+ 34 ? Slipstones
Green Roof f6A * 39 ? Brimham Rocks
Cubic f6A+ ** 252 ? Brimham Rocks
Pockets Wall V0 9 ? Spofforth Pinnacles
Jokers Wall Left f6A+ * 172 ? Brimham Rocks
The Prince f6A+ 105 ? Little Almscliff
Trench Left f6B+ 82 ? Brimham Rocks
Love Scoop f6A+ 21 ? Brimham Rocks
The Doomed Dromedary f6A+ * 16 ? High Crag (Stump...
Striding Edge f6A+ ** 7 ? Brimham Rocks
Gwyneth left f6A+ 1 ? Brimham Rocks
Bert Wells f5+ 108 ? Slipstones
Raynman E2 6a * 1 ? West Chevin Boulders
Solitaire f6A *** 90 ? Lord's Seat
Hanging Rib f6A ** 377 ? Almscliff
Wallender f6A 23 ? Simon's Seat
Morrell's Wall f6A *** 1342 ? Almscliff
The South West Face E2 5c ** 21 6m Almscliff
Shadow of Forgotten Ancestors f6A ** 3 ? Henstone Band
Trackside Arete f6A 43 ? Brimham Rocks
Note to Comply f6A 38 ? Lord's Seat
Princeps f6A *** 6 ? Clint Crags
Twin Aretes f6A 101 ? Hunter's Stones
All Buns Blazing f6A 31 7m Bat Buttress
Bun Fight at the OK Corral f6A 20 6m Bat Buttress
Rainbow f5+ 65 ? Snowden Crags
Fingers Rib f6A+ * 27 ? Bat Buttress
Rock On f5+ * 146 4m Slipstones
Lay-by f6A+ *** 297 5m Slipstones
For Queen And Country none 5a *** 7 ? Little Brimham
Centre Left f5+ 159 ? Slipstones
Low Pebble Wall f6A * 428 ? Caley Crags
The Cavity f6A+ 5 ? Caley Crags
Overhanging Rib f6A * 607 ? Almscliff
The Halo f6A *** 11 ? Caley Crags
Wolfsbane f6A ** 4 ? Great Wolfrey
Twin Pockets f5 * 65 ? Caley Crags
Smear Arete Left f6A * 199 ? Caley Crags
Mr. Smooth f6A *** 552 ? Caley Crags
37 e, 479 stars 30,060 173m 390
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