Rockfax Description
A tough line, with tricky, technical moves up to and past the third bolt. Above, the climbing eases. © Rockfax
UKC Logbook Description
Slabs R us
Climbs the line of 6 bolts left of Shtimuli. Thin technical slab climbing requiring a combination of thumb holds, sidepulls, tiny footholds, small and sharp crimps, rockovers, fingerlocks and layaways; the correct combination will hopefully lead to the 3rd clip! (Crux section). Further enjoyable climbing remains to the 5th bolt where a bore hole provides a foothold for further progress up and left to easier ground and the lower off.
Ian Lloyd-Jones and Sion McGuinness 11/Jun/2010.
Top class slate sport 7b-8a , Slate Sport , All the Llanberis SLATE sport @ 7b & 7b+ , Rarely repeated Slate Sport 7's , Sl@teheads Sl@te
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Grade: 7b ***
(Tyddyn Hywel Quarry)