Climbs 153
Rocktype Rhyolite
Altitude 778m a.s.l
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Ramon Marin on Tarkus (E2) at Dow Crag © Mark Glaister

Crag features

Mainly long routes up to 100m in a superb mountain setting. Notoriously chilly even when the sun is shining! 

Approach notes

Park in the carpark at the top of the tarmaced section of the Walna Scar road - it's no longer permissible to drive any further.

Approach time: 1 hour

Access Advice

There is a loose flake on pitch 6 of Giant's Crawl near the belay - extreme care is needed.

Seasonal Restrictions

Dates: 1 March to 30 June

Reason: Nesting Birds

Peregrines have been known to nest on the upper section of B Buttress, above Giants Crawl as well as C Buttress. The last time the birds were known to nest was 2014, but if visiting the crag early in the season please be aware that they could return and report to the BMC if birds are seen nesting.

Probably the best crag in the Lakes, it has classic routes at every grade. The notoriety that this crag is cold comes from those idiots who insist on starting their routes in shorts and t-shirts. Always carry (and wear!)an extra sweater.
Alan Phizacklea - 03/Oct/02
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