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Logbooks Volunteer
Moderator for 18 crags, checking missing climbs added to the logbooks: Traprain Law, White Ghyll, Dow Crag, Yew Crags, Buckstone How, Grey Crag (Buttermere), Haskett Buttress, Goat Crag (Buttermere), Freyr, Dave ... plus 8 more

Photo Gallery

Matt on the 2nd belay of The Crossing, resplendently Scottish scenes

Matt on the 2nd belay of The Crossing, resplendently Scottish scenes
© MattFleming

What an evening! Honister feeling like the best place to be on earth.

What an evening! Honister feeling like the best place to be on earth.
© MattFleming

Inferno, raging up the chimney and through the heather

Inferno, raging up the chimney and through the heather
© MattFleming

Making it harder by sticking to the right arete! Good tech 5b eliminate and the 2nd can just climb the VS!

Making it harder by sticking to the right arete! Good tech 5b eliminate and the 2nd can just climb the VS!
© MattFleming

Bashing through the cornice on a chilly day!

Bashing through the cornice on a chilly day!
© MattFleming

Going ground up for that tricky lock off

Going ground up for that tricky lock off
© MattFleming

Rope Not, looking down onto Slack Knot

Rope Not, looking down onto Slack Knot
© MattFleming


© MattFleming

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