Climbs 87
Rocktype Gabbro
Altitude 140m a.s.l
Faces SW

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Beautiful weekend in Ardnamurchan © Heike

Crag features

An area of slabs and walls lying on the main summit of Meall an Fhir-eoin.

Access Advice

Stalking - check with Estate offices.

Bird Ban - check MCS access notes.

The guidebook advice that you 'simply walk to the crag' on reaching Glendrian is not helpful. To begin with, you cannot even see the crag from Glendrian. So, the guidebook meant to tell you this: on reaching the Glendrian compound turn right inside the boundary wall and skirt the 'house' to exit via the gap in the rear wall. Here, the track ascends underneath the fine small slabs before turning left. You'll now see the crags. Another track will join you from the left [this skirts the slabs on the left]. Now follow a deer / foot trod, often boggy, often hidden by patches of bracken, sometimes dropping steeply into a ravine, to the crag. We returned this way and found no ticks upon our clothing. 'Simply walking to the crag' resulted in about 15 ticks... so cheers SMC authors. I don't need to know about crags resembling Darth Vader... but I do need some detail on how best to approach my crag, particularly during these tick-infested times. Oh, and seriously, cheers SMC, the climbing is brilliant.
liensiwel - 09/Jul/24
Take lots of cams.
fionn - 03/May/11
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