Access Banned

Access To Newtyle. 1st October 2019.


Over the past two years, the quarrying activity at Newtyle has increased.  The quarry material is being used for the current A9 Dualling work.

As of 1st October 2019: Beginners Slab is buried; the bottom 2-3m of Doorjamb Slab (including Spandau Ballet) is buried, and only a small strip of ground exists below it before a 5-10m drop to the now much lower quarry floor; access to Happy Hooker Wall is lose; the path from Happy Hooker under Pantile Slab and Main Slab doesn’t exist anymore; you can still access The Tube, but only by going up the boulder field at the back of the quarry workings; the normal access path from Deans Park has two large barrier fences across it with “No Access” notices on them.

We have been in contact with the company doing the extraction on behalf of the landowner. Their view is simple: the quarry is a working quarry site, and access rights do not apply here. They will ask anyone entering the quarry to leave and request that the climbing community respects this.  They are currently working the quarry Monday to Friday, and on occasional Saturdays for maintenance.

Importantly, the company do recognise the importance of Newtyle as a climbing venue, and they have said that they are very keen to work with the climbing community once their work is finishing to improve the venue, and that this could include improved access, landscaping the area, and cleaning off areas of newly exposed rock to create much longer routes. They are currently unsure of how long they will be working the quarry, but it could be anywhere between 6 months and 18 months.

The current view of the local climbing community, and Mountaineering Scotland, is that we work with the quarry company and aim for a longer-term “post-quarrying solution” for Newtyle which has the potential for a much improved venue with longer routes

Cheers, Simon Yearsley



Quarry still being worked Mon-Fri with now more frequent work on Saturdays as they try and catch up with time lost during March/April lockdown. Access to the Tube area still currently unaffected. Access to the rest of the sectors varies week by week, depending on how much of the lower sections have been altered/removed by the quarrying. Personally, I'd urge patience.... this important venue will still be here next year, when hopefully the quarrying will be finished and we've all managed not to annoy the company carrying out the quarrying work, and thus they then help by landscaping the site to all of ours' benefit once thier work is finished.


The company doing the quarrying at Newtyle is becoming increasingly annoyed and frustrated by people accessing the quarry to go tooling on days when they are working the quarry.  They are also very much aware that climbers are accessing The Tube area, possibly in the mistaken belief that they have gone unnoticed and that the quarrying company either can’t see them, don’t know they are there, or aren’t bothered.  Wrong - they do notice, and are bothered, but do not want to be confrontational with the climbers. A group of local climbers, along with Mountaineering Scotland, have worked very hard over the past two years to protect the long-term access to this unique Scottish climbing venue. The local climbers have also refrained from accessing the quarry to protect the access.  So, please can we act as one as a climbing community, and keep this very very simple: if the quarry is being worked (in whatever quarrying area), DO NOT CLIMB ANYWHERE IN NEWYTLE. If you don’t do this, we run the very very real risk of losing access for ever. 


Over the past four years we have been in contact with the contractors doing the quarrying. The work in the main quarry is now slowly winding down. We will soon be starting discussions with the contractors about access and possible landscaping once they have finished extraction work. Mountaineering Scotland, local climbers and The Scottish Dry-Tooling Club will be involved as these discussions progress. We are not clear yet on the timescales of these discussions, but it is hoped that 2022 could see a return to climbing at Newtyle.  In the meantime, it is imperative that, as a climbing community, we continue to understand that the quarry is a working quarry site, and access rights do not apply here. PLEASE CONTINUE TO RESPECT THE CURRENT APPROACH: “DO NOT CLIMB ANYWHERE AT NEWTYLE”. Thanks for your support in getting this far….

Rockfax Description
10m. A pleasant route taking the slabby groove right of the roof with thin moves. A great introduction to dry tooling, without the need for big arms! © Rockfax

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Scott Muir.


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