Climbs 40
Rocktype Limestone
Altitude 2477m a.s.l
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Pat enjoying Ultima tule above the Valparola pass © James Rushforth

Crag features

Saas di Stria, also called Hexenstein, lies just to the west of the Passo Falzerego. It's south arête is a popular beginers route, and this is now complemented by a number of sports routes on it's slabby East Face. These receive the morning sun and are popular, pleasant and well-bolted, if rather unchallenging.

Approach notes

Park half a mile north of Passo Falzerego - the slabs are a 2 minute walk through the remnants of WWI trenches, the arête is a further 15 minutes of steep walking.

Pleasant jug pulling on slaby rock for the most part with a couple of fingery technical F6a's thrown in just to remind you that sometimes climbing can be quite hard.
JLS - 27/Jul/12
I found this route a good excercise in exposure, the route has suprises on each pitch, some bottly and some pleasant. The last pitch is the hardest eqiv to about HS and requires bridging and confidence. If by this stage your nerves have had enuf you can bail out to the side gully (grade II ish) instead of finishing with fine style to the summit. The 40m ledge between the face and the huge flakes was a real suprise after what appears to be an impossible traverse across the summit face. You acess the ledge just under the huge chockstone where the flake parts from the rock face.... its all hidden till you get ontop of it.
Strange little creature - 18/Sep/06
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