18m. The abseil boulder described in the guide disappeared when the buttress it was sitting on fell down. A 60m rope on the stake at the top of the descent gulley will reach to the bottom of the route, but the stretch is alarming.
2023 top of the route has reportedly suffered more rockfall and is unclimbable.

FA. S.Titt, J.Yaldren 17/Aug/2000.


Orange Spot Swanage


User Date Notes
scott titt 19 Jul, 2023 Show βeta
βeta: The top of this route, and the remains of the buttress that was to its right have fallen to the sea. The excellent, pocketed wall remains, there is a new exit corner which is very loose and dirty but should clean up in time to give a good finish. Seen from boat 17 July 2023
Show beta
βeta: The top of this route, and the remains of the buttress that was to its right have fallen to the sea. The excellent, pocketed wall remains, there is a new exit corner which is very loose and dirty but should clean up in time to give a good finish. Seen from boat 17 July 2023
Marti999 31 Aug, 2020 Show βeta
βeta: The line is hard to work out from guide description, however the rock is excellent, that rare pocketed walls you get a Swanage. Can be hard to protect (tricam micro cams Useful). The exit corner is loose and dirt once the climbing is done. Use ab rope that can be rebelayed on good nuts in quarry wall above. 60m from stack reaches boulder at base.
Show beta
βeta: The line is hard to work out from guide description, however the rock is excellent, that rare pocketed walls you get a Swanage. Can be hard to protect (tricam micro cams Useful). The exit corner is loose and dirt once the climbing is done. Use ab rope that can be rebelayed on good nuts in quarry wall above. 60m from stack reaches boulder at base.

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Route of Interest
Tensor II

Grade: VS 5a ***
(Guillemot Ledge)

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