Totley Exterminator fell race Trail runningWalking

A tough race organised by Totley AC close to the edge of Sheffield...
This is a long race over some demanding terrain. Mandatory kit includes: windproof whole body cover, map & compass, whistle & food. Hat, gloves & waterproofs may also be required if conditions are bad. Kit checks will be made on the day.

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Detailed description

SK2851178846 Totley Moor Trig

SK2915280774 Stepping Stones. The most popular route across the Burbage valley is on trods rather than paths, so don't appear on OS maps. Navigation is only a problem if you're at the front!

SK2566182234 Higger Tor, stile

SK2435483852 Stanage Edge

SK2347181945 Near Hathersage Church, where the footpath exits the field & joins the track. Water

SK2517181642 Bend in Road, where the path across Mitchell's Field exits on to the road

SK2475980160 Millstone Edge road crossing. Some tricky route finding down through the woods to CP#8 - recce advised

SK2503879116 Bottom of Bole Hill (self-clip) by a small stone building, again with some tricky route finding to escape the woods. Then across Longshaw up to CP#1 Totley Moor Trig (self-clip), and back down to the start

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Further Routes

by Nick Smith - Climbers

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