Logbook for Sam Beaton

Best Climbing Experience

Topping out twice on Glyder Fawr in one day with Ed - firstly by soloing the Ordinary Route / Cniefon Arete combo before lunch in the rain, then by doing Tennis Shoe Direct / Javelin Blade / Grey Arete in the afternoon when the sun came out Soloing on sight Saliva, Queersville, Leaning Buttress Direct, Hell Crack, Step Ladder Crack and the Direct, Louisina Rib, Via Media, Heather Wall and Manchester Buttress one silly competitive afternoon with Andy Wobbling up the short steep side of the Inn Pinn with Woody with big boots, slings, a borrowed rope and a fair amount of inexperienced terror on the first proper trip to the mountains for both of us Diedros Magicos with Will on our third attempt, having been turned back by snow on previous trips. My last big route with him, and what a belter it was too. Magical Mystery Tour with about 20 friends the day after my wedding as my first (and so far only) DWS Engineers' Slabs in the evening sunshine with Chris, still making it back to Wasdale Head for last orders Leading the top pitch of Ichabod with water pouring down it after Mark had assured me it would be dry. The first pitch (his) was, but the top was soaking and quite a battle. Christmas Chasm, Bellringer and Low Pro at Range West with Lou. Outrageously steep and exciting climbing in a beautiful and totally unspoilt setting. Tryfan North Ridge and Bristly Ridge with Toby. His first proper trip to the hills and he loved it. Currently only logging UK sport routes in my logbook

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195 entries in this logbook showing 1-25
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Sleepy Hollow 6a+ * Lead Catherine 11 Jun Harpur Hill Quarry
Christian Salvage Man 6a * Lead Catherine 11 Jun Harpur Hill Quarry
A Dea 6a * Lead Catherine 11 Jun Harpur Hill Quarry
Belonging 5c * Lead Catherine 11 Jun Harpur Hill Quarry
The Long Walk 6b ** Lead Catherine 11 Jun Harpur Hill Quarry
A Right Earful 6a+ * Lead Cris 7 Jun Horseshoe Quarry
Sound as a Carp 6a+ * Lead Cris 7 Jun Horseshoe Quarry
Porgi Amor 6a+ * Lead Cris 7 Jun Horseshoe Quarry
Bad Boys Ink 6a Lead Cris 7 Jun Horseshoe Quarry
Twyfords 6a Lead Cris 1 Jun Horseshoe Quarry
Jeff Garrett 6a+ * Lead Cris 1 Jun Horseshoe Quarry
Willie the Kid 6a+ * Lead Cris 1 Jun Horseshoe Quarry
Striptease 6b+ * Lead Hugh 31 May Darlton Quarry
Unstriped 6c Lead Hugh 31 May Darlton Quarry
Cut of the Stripe 6a+ * Lead Hugh 31 May Darlton Quarry
Steep Stripe 6a+ Lead Hugh 31 May Darlton Quarry
Head on a Pole 6a Lead Hugh 31 May Darlton Quarry
Bucket List 5c * Lead Hugh 31 May Darlton Quarry
Still Game 6a * Lead Hugh 31 May Darlton Quarry
Just End It! 6a+ * Lead Dean 29 May Stoney Middleton
Onwards and Upwards 6a * Lead Dean 29 May Stoney Middleton
Two Thousand 6a+ * Lead Dean 29 May Stoney Middleton
Creamsnatcher 6b * Lead Dean 29 May Stoney Middleton
Footprints in the Snow 6a Lead Hugh 27 May Hidden Quarry (formerly...
Berserker Joe 5c Lead Hugh 27 May Hidden Quarry (formerly...
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