Logbook for foxjerk

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602 entries in this logbook showing 526-550
Name Grade Style Partner(s) Notes Feedback Date Crag name
Route B HVD ** Lead O/S Matty hall 4 Jul, 2013 The Dewerstone
Global Tine VS 4c Solo O/S   19 Jun, 2013 Kit Hill Quarry
Icy Fingers Variation HVS 5c Solo O/S   19 Jun, 2013 Kit Hill Quarry
Icy Fingers VD Solo O/S   19 Jun, 2013 Kit Hill Quarry
Star Style VS 5a Solo O/S   19 Jun, 2013 Kit Hill Quarry
Music Box VD Solo O/S   19 Jun, 2013 Kit Hill Quarry
The Frog VD Solo O/S   19 Jun, 2013 Kit Hill Quarry
Stanza VD Solo O/S   19 Jun, 2013 Kit Hill Quarry
Tip Toe HVD Solo O/S   19 Jun, 2013 Kit Hill Quarry
Melting Point f4 Solo O/S   19 Jun, 2013 Kit Hill Quarry
Caesar's Nose Direct VS 4b Lead O/S Matty hall 7 Jun, 2013 The Dewerstone
Caesar's Nose S 4a * Lead O/S Matty hall 7 Jun, 2013 The Dewerstone
Colonel's Arete VD ** Lead O/S Matty hall 7 Jun, 2013 The Dewerstone
Reverse Cleft S 4a * Lead O/S Matty hall 7 Jun, 2013 The Dewerstone
Crack & Chimney S 4a ** Lead O/S Matty hall 17 May, 2013 Sheeps Tor
Workers Wall HS 4a * Lead O/S Matty hall 17 May, 2013 Sheeps Tor
Needle Arete VD ** Lead O/S   7 Apr, 2013 The Dewerstone
Mucky Gully D ** Lead O/S   7 Apr, 2013 The Dewerstone
Slanting Crack S 4a * Lead O/S wiwwim 20 Mar, 2013 Sheeps Tor
Fingerin' HVS 5b * 2nd wiwwim 20 Mar, 2013 Sheeps Tor
Mushroom Wall VS 5a * 2nd wiwwim 20 Mar, 2013 Sheeps Tor
Wind Wall HVS 5a * Lead wiwwim 20 Mar, 2013 Sheeps Tor
Cracked Slab f4 * - nolan 13 Jan, 2013 Cuckoo Rock and Combeshead Tor
Lower Slab f5 *** - nolan 13 Jan, 2013 Cuckoo Rock and Combeshead Tor
Lower Slab Left f4+ ** - nolan 13 Jan, 2013 Cuckoo Rock and Combeshead Tor
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